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Toastmasters of Nepal Shine in First-ever Futsal Tournament at Premier

अर्थ संसार

शनिबार, २५ कार्तिक २०८०, १८ : ३७ मा प्रकाशित

Toastmasters of Nepal Shine in First-ever Futsal Tournament at Premier

The community of Nepal Toastmasters that includes over 1350 members spread over 67 clubs across Nepal came together for the first-ever Nepal Toastmasters Futsal Tournament organized by Division A, on 4th November, 2023. Hosted at the expansive premises of Premier International IB Continuum School at Khumaltar, Lalitpur, the tournament included Toastmasters of all four divisions – A,B,C, and D of Nepal Toastmasters, and was a resounding success.

A part of District 41, that combines Nepal, Bhutan, and North-Eastern India, Nepal Toastmasters has always been at the forefront of innovation when it comes to bringing the fraternity together as one big family. Euden Koirala, Division A Director says, “the intention was to create a legacy and a renewed sense of camaraderie through a fun event that everyone wants to participate in – hence Futsal. Futsal is a game everyone wants to play, so it was a no-brainer in terms of what we wanted to organize. Also, the sponsors played a huge part in the tournament’s success. Having Premier as a venue was of immense help since all logistics were arranged to perfection. I don’t feel there can be a better venue for a Toastmasters Futsal tournament than this.”

A total of 10 teams participated – either individual Toastmasters clubs or a combination of 2-3 clubs. Each team was inclusive in having two female team members mandatorily participating. A total of around 200 visitors, which included team managers/coaches, visiting Toastmasters and families thronged the two Futsal courts throughout the day.

The semi-finals and finals played in the evenings under flood lights saw intensely-fought matches that brought everyone to their feet. ACAN Toastmasters Blasters powered their way to a fantastic win in a thrilling penalty shootout defeating ProAIN 3-1. Nawaraj Gautam from ACAN was awarded the Golden Glove for best goal keeping, Avinab Shrestha from Atthassi Unanchas got the Golden Boot scoring the highest goals (14) of all in the tournament, and Sambridh Timilsina from Pro AIN took home the Golden Ball as the most valuable player of the tournament.

अर्थ संसारमा प्रकाशित सामग्रीबारे कुनै गुनासो, सूचना तथा सुझाव भए हामीलाई [email protected] मा पठाउनु होला। *फेसबुकट्वीटरमार्फत पनि हामीसँग जोडिन सकिनेछ । हाम्रो *युटुब च्यानल पनि हेर्नु होला।

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